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January 22, 2008
Salem Public Schools
Regular School Committee Meeting
Monday, January 22, 2008
7:30 p.m.

I.      Call of Meeting to Order

                II.     Approval of the Agenda

III.    Deliberation on the Approval of the Minutes of
1/7/08 School Committee Meeting

                IV.     Deliberation on the School Department Warrant
January 17, 2008 in the amount of $266,054.79
January 24, 2008 in the amount of $  51,696.99

                V.      Questions and Comments from the Audience

VI.     Student Representative Report – Kristen Sacco

VII.    Superintendent Report – Update on Reduction in Force

                VIII.   Administrative Reports

IX.     Curriculum Report –     

X.      Finance Report

                XI.     Old Business

Action Items

a       Deliberation on the approval of a 1-1 Special Education Paraprofessional at the Witchcraft Heights Elementary School 6 hours per day/5 days per week at a rate of $12.35 per hour

b.      Deliberation on the approval of a 1-1 Special Education Paraprofessional at the Carlton Elementary School 6 hours per day/5 days per week at a rate of $12.35 per hour

c.      Deliberation on the approval of the Collins Middle School 8th Grade trip to New York City- June 5 – 6, 2008.

XII     School Committee Reports
Personnel                               Curriculum                              Policy                                  Finance         
Buildings and Grounds                   
Special Education

XIII.   School Committee Concerns and Resolutions

XIV.    Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the
1/22/08 agenda

XV.     Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of collective bargaining issues and voting on Executive Session minutes,  and the School Committee will not be returning to open session this evening.

                XVI.    Adjournment